Remove the roast from the fridge 30-60 minutes before prep and allow it to sit at room temperature. Pat dry with paper towels.
In a small bowl, combine garlic, onion powder, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Rub the roast down with oil, then sprinkle it with the herb mixture, pressing it into the meat.
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Melt the butter in a large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add the roast and sear on all sides, about 3 minutes per side, until browned.
Transfer the skillet to the oven (or use a roasting pan) and roast until it reaches your desired doneness: 115 degrees F for rare (~30-35 minutes), 125 degrees F for medium rare (40-45 minutes), or 135 degrees F for medium (~50-55 minutes).
Remove the skillet from the oven and transfer the roast to a cutting board. Cover it loosely with aluminum foil, and rest for 15-20 minutes before slicing. (This will seal in the juices and the internal temperature will rise another 10 degrees to reach the right level of doneness.) Slice the meat against the grain to serve.
Rest for Success - you want to rest your Sirloin Tip roast before and after cooking for peak tenderness. Resting at room temperature before cooking, raises the internal temperature of the roast allowing it to cook more evenly. Resting for 15 minutes after cooking, allows the natural juices to redistribute resulting in a tender, juicy roast.Carve against the grain - by slicing against the grain, you are reducing the length of the muscle fibers and connective tissue. Resulting in a delicious roast that is more tender and easier to chew.For best results marinade overnight to tenderize the roast. Beef sirloin tip roast marinade recipes included in post above.Make an Herbed Butter or Horseradish Sauce to enhance the flavor:
Herbed Balsamic Butter recipe
½ cup of unsalted butter (one stick of unsalted butter)½ teaspoon of salt1 teaspoon of fresh thyme or rosemary, finely chopped1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegarA pinch of black pepper (optional)Allow butter to soften to room temperature. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl until balsamic vinegar is fully combined with the other ingredients. Cover the bowl and chill in the refrigerator until set (approximately 30 minutes).
Creamy horseradish dipping sauce recipe
2 tablespoons of prepared horseradish¾ cup of sour cream¼ cup of mayonnaise1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (optional)Pinch of saltPinch of black pepperMix all ingredients together in a small bowl. Cover the bowl and chill this dipping sauce in the refrigerator until serving.